Monday, April 27, 2009

The Returning Soldier

We hear a lot about the empty chair at the table but not a lot about how hard it is for these men/women and their families when they return home. When they first leave you don't know how you are going to get by without them and worry constantly. Out of necessity, you gradually learn to adapt to their absence and your family develops a new rhythm to their daily life. The next thing you know, they are home. You are overwhelmed and feel blessed they were returned to you safely and seemingly in tact. The hard part comes when once again your family has to develop a new schedule, a new rhythm. Unless you have been there, it is hard to imagine the guilt you feel when after a few short days you find yourself resenting the toilet seat that was left up or the three course meal your farm boy husband expects when the kids would be happy with PB&J. Immediately, you think of those wives who would give anything to put the toilet seat down and fold those socks in the appropriate military fashion. At the same time, your S.O. is trying like mad to adjust back to a life that must seem mundane and inconsequential. After all, a clogged disposal is not exactly up there on the “urgency scale” with sniper fire. The coming home often becomes as emotionally draining as the leaving. As the wife of a vet, I can only imagine how much harder is must be when these families are faced with deployment after deployment after deployment.

God Bless our military men/women and their families...may they find the peace and happiness they deserve.

Monday, April 6, 2009

"To Don't List"

Saw an interesting idea on Soul Pancake yesterday. It challenged people to make a "To Don't List.” The challenge is to make a list of 5 things you want to remember NOT to do. Thought it sounded like something I might benefit from. Here is my list, hope you will add yours...

1. Let other people define me.
2. Look at the cup as half empty.
3. Lose patience with people who are important to me.
4. Take myself too seriously.
5. Waste time on toxic relationships.

May God bless you and keep you Staff Sgt. Meyers

I has been 18 years since the media were granted access to cover the return of a fallen soldier. On Sunday night, the family of Staff Sgt Phillip Myers, Hopewell, VA approved the coverage of the arrival of his coffin at Dover Air Force Base. Staff Sgt Myers, 30 was killed by an IED in Afghanistan on April 4th. The arrival of his flag draped coffin serves as a stark reminder that men and women continue to serve and sacrifice in Afghanistan, Iraq and conflicts across the globe. God bless you Staff Sgt. Meyers…forever young, forever our hero.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Still wearing flannel pajama's and furry slippers...waiting out the April "snow" showers!

I couldn't resist this one...

Take a minute and watch Portia's "apology" for marrying Ellen...probably the best peice of satire I've seen regarding Prop 8 in California.

Madam President

I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been thrilled to watch Michelle Obama on her trip to Europe. Michelle is a shining example of the American woman; diverse, intelligent, and accomplished.